Dear Kosterina Family,
Science is only recently coming to understand the powerful impact that gratefulness can have on our health and longevity. Research shows that even just taking 30 seconds to acknowledge the things you're grateful for each day can increase our happiness and fulfillment. Here’s a little bit about what I’ll thank my mom for this year.
While I was growing up my mom worked for British Airways at JFK airport. She took care of first class and Concorde passengers – her customers were actors and singers, CEOs and entrepreneurs, royalty and athletes. She has stories to tell about meeting everyone from Kate Middleton to Michael Jackson and from Matt Damon to the Dalai Lama. Her job enabled us to travel very inexpensively from our middle class neighborhood in Long Island, NY, to all of Europe and in fact all over this world. She opened up my eyes to the world outside my suburban bubble and gave me new ambitions. It was my mom that set the example for a full time working mom who was still incredibly present, loving, encouraging and kind. It was one of my mom’s customers that helped me get my very first internship at the New York Stock Exchange at the age of 19. It was my mom that led me to great schools, exciting opportunities, to working abroad, starting my own companies, etc. Thank you mom for everything you have done for and taught me. I love you.
Ok, your turn. Let’s share with mom how grateful we are for her. Call her to tell her. FaceTime her. Zoom her. Write her a handwritten card. Or even just text her. Happy Friday everyone.
Text your Mom