The Benefits of Bone Broth

You might remember the good, ol' days when your mom would make a warm, chicken soup if you were feeling sick. Well, we're now learning that moms are always right - and bone broth is beneficial for our long-term health in many ways.
On the surface, bone broth might seem simple and timeless, far away from today's wellness trends. And it is - which is why it's becoming a favorite healing mechanisms in today's world. You know that at Kosterina we're obsessed with using simple, superfoods to help us live longer, healthier lives. And, bone broth (right up there with EVOO!) might be one of the easiest ways we can do that.
Sipping on a cup of bone broth each morning apparently has a myriad of benefits: it's proven to be a cold-buster, immunity strengthener, mood-booster, and even promoter of weight loss (thanks L-glutamine!). But, my favorite benefit is that it's a natural source of collagen - so it strengthens bones, hair, and nails - all aspects of our bodies that worsen with age. Bone broth is super simple to make - even if you're a vegetarian. There are also a few good, clean, supermarket brands for a low-effort solution.