How to Avoid Cold Season

If you're like me the transition to Fall is one of the best times of the year. But, as much as I love pumpkin-everything and cozy sweaters - I don't love how much it impacts my immune system.
Here at Kosterina, we believe that natural, real foods are what keep us thriving until we're 100 years old. But, we're always looking for the most effective ways to stay happy + healthy. Here are some supplements and herbs that can help ease that transition into cozy sweaters and latte season.
1. Vitamin C still works: It might be the oldest trick in the book, but during the transitional weather this supplement helps makes you stronger on a cellular level. Added perk: Dr. Steve Gundry says that Vitamin C helps us produce more collagen, which keeps us looking young!
2. Gut health matters: Ensure you're taking a good probiotic proven to support your immune response to respiratory illnesses. I've started taking Seed Probiotics because I've been impressed by the serious science backing them up.
3. Herb it up: Foods that you have in your pantry (or not!) - like garlic, ginger, turmeric, oregano and yes, olive leaf extract, are all that you need to naturally up your immune system.
What are your favorite ways to stay healthy as the weather changes?