
Why You Should Never Buy Olive Oil in Plastic

Why You Should Never Buy Olive Oil in Plastic

Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Shouldn’t Be Bottled in Plastic—and the Harmful Effects of Plastic on Our Environment

Extra virgin olive oil is highly valued for its flavor, polyphenol content, and numerous health benefits. However, when it comes to preserving the quality of your liquid gold (EVOO), the choice of packaging matters. While plastic bottles may be convenient and can be fun to cook with, opaque glass or aluminum tins are the superior option for several key reasons—protecting both the oil’s integrity and the environment. And unfortunately our industry is moving in the wrong direction with more and more olive oil brands packaging in plastic. 

Why Plastic Isn’t Ideal for EVOO

EVOO is rich in antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, which degrade when exposed to air, light, and heat. Plastic bottles, particularly those made from HDPE (high density polyethylene) or PP (polypropylene), are permeable and allow oxygen to pass through over time, accelerating the oil’s oxidation process. EVOO loses its beneficial compounds, such as polyphenols and vitamin E, and can develop off-flavors, making it less nutritious and flavorful.

Additionally, research shows that certain chemicals in plastics, like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, can leach into the oil when exposed to heat or UV light. These are linked to health risks such as hormone disruption, reproductive issues, and even cancer. 

A recent study done at Perrotis College and the American Farm School Thessaloniki, found that the HDPE and PP bottles are really bad at protecting olive oil against oxidation and rancidity. This chart shows the levels of hydroperoxides found in olive oil over time in different packaged bottles (Note: peroxides indicate that the oil is oxidized which means poor quality, and can also lead to undesirable flavors and odors). The hydroperoxides are super high in the squeezable bottles and increase dramatically as these bottles sit on the shelf of your local grocery store. 

We only have a screenshot but you can see the results here:

Environmental Impact

The environmental consequences of plastic use are equally troubling. Over 380 million tons of plastic are produced globally each year, and much of it ends up in landfills or the ocean, contributing to widespread pollution. Plastics can take hundreds of years and as they do, they break down into microplastics—tiny particles that contaminate soil, waterways, and marine. Sadly, microplastics are now being found in fish and seafood consumed by humans, leading to potential health risks.

Further, plastic production is a major contributor to gas emissions. According to the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), plastic production and incineration could add over 850 million tons of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere in 2019 alone. This contributes to global climate change, accelerating environmental damage and the loss of biodiversity.

A Better Alternative: Glass and Tin Plate Packaging

The good news is that there are eco-friendly alternatives that are safe and preserve both the quality of the EVOO and protect the environment. Opaque glass bottles and aluminum (tin plate) tins are superior packaging options for olive oil. These materials are non-reactive, offering better protection from light and air, which slows down oxidation and prevents contamination from chemicals.

Glass, in particular, is 100% recyclable, and unlike plastic, recycled indefinitely without degrading in quality. This makes it a much more sustainable choice. Metal cans also offer great protection from air and light, while being lightweight and recyclable.

Scientific evidence strongly supports that extra virgin olive oil should be in non-plastic containers to preserve its health benefits and protect the environment. Plastic packaging not only compromises the quality of EVOO by exposing it to air and harmful chemicals, but it also contributes to the global plastic pollution crisis. By choosing EVOO – like Kosterina – stored in glass or metal, we can make a healthier and more sustainable choice for ourselves and the planet.

Peace, Love & EVOO,
Katina & The Kosterina Team